

High Precision Cellular LocalizatiON System


The project aims to provide a software tool that will be able to detect cellular users in outdoor and in any indoor environment with increased accuracy. The implementation and success of such a tool will enhance the competitiveness of the Host SME Organization (Sigint Solutions) since customers of these tools, (A) and (B) above can be any global cellular operator or indirectly any third party purchasing Location Based Services (LBS) through a cellular operator, or a search and rescue organization (Police Department, Fire Brigade etc). By providing an increased capability to a cellular operator to detect its users with an increased accuracy, generates numerous prospects for novel services, especially in indoor environments where currently cellular systems cannot provide an increased detection granularity. Also by providing to search and rescue services the ability to track, position and assist a user in need creates again numerous business prospects but also provides to society tools that can be used for the welfare of people. In this context, i-LocON has set the following objectives:




Indoor Environments

Outdoor Environments

Cellular Systems
