

A Dynamic Training programme based on Cyber-Ranges Leveraging IT Security, Privacy and Data Protection Culture and Awareness of Critical Information Infrastructures.


Critical Infrastructures (CIs) within critical sectors, such as telecommunications, energy, maritime and health, are now heavily relying on complex ICT infrastructures and key technologies (industrial control systems, cloud, IoT and Artificial Intelligence) to deliver robust and reliable services. Cyber-attacks on such infrastructure are constantly increasing and the impact of any successful attack could be devastating. There is an increased pressure to develop skilled cybersecurity workforce to tackle this situation and proactively manage the system to monitor for the overall continuity. Cyber ranges with advanced capability can support this need through delivering state-of-the-art training facilities for the overall security awareness and effective cyber defence. In this context, SecAwarenessTruss has set the following objectives:

SecAwarenessTruss is built on a collaboration of 9 organisations from 2 EU member states (Greece and Cyprus) which is composed by 1 academic partner, 6 industrial partners including 4 critical infrastructure organisations from telecom, energy, health, and maritime sectors, and 2 SMEs.

Sectorial SOCs



Cyber Ranges

Critical Infrastructure


Privacy and Data Protection Culture and Awareness